The Answering Machine
  This is the story of Rick Morris, whom everyone in New York City knew as Gray. Rick started calling himself Gray almost three years ago. This club promoter friend of his, I think his name was Balthazar, suggested that he start a guest list at the Sky. Sky just opened then (before it was some low-life loser club called Tune), but it was very promising because the owners were the same guys that started Moomba. He was told he would make $2 off every person he brought in, “But they have to be cool for you to get paid” the Moomba creator told him. When Rick was designing the flyer for his first Wednesday night party at Sky, he came up with the name Gray. The name just settled on him, kind of like a gray rainy morning does. Gray found it exotic sounding, maybe even foreign. Surely people wouldn’t guess that he was born and raised in Upstate New York. I think the real story is that Rick liked the name because it sounded jaded. He always played jaded - the kind of guy that even the wildest club scene could never take by surprise. He had that “I’ve seen it all before” attitude imprinted in his soul. In retrospect, I must say, it was a good decision to change his name to Gray because it provoked many conversations, and helped him meet cool people that later came to his clubs, and directly increased his income. After he introduced himself people would always asked him “Is that your favorite color?” or “ Is your mother called Green?” And then they would remember him the next time they saw him. Needless to say, this was a great gimmick for a promoter. He told me once that he imagined what people’s reactions would be when they read his first party flyer with its funky, futuristic design. He often thought of what people felt when they read his new name “Gray.” He liked the way the letters lay thick and heavy beneath the heading “Wednesday’s at Sky, the new fashion industry party. A new Genre all together. Hosted By….” And then “Gray”. Personally I think he took this whole club image thing way too seriously. One time, in a moment of intimacy after we had sex, he jumped up from the bed and pulled out the original flyer to show me what he was talking about. I didn’t know how to respond,