The New James
  It is 12:45 PM on a Tuesday, most of New York City is finishing up on lunch. James suppresses the hunger signals of his stomach and tries to listen to his reason. Actually, he first tries to find his reason and then he plans to listen to it. He awoke at 7:30 AM. He made a pot of drip coffee. He drank two cups with sugar and milk. He attended the 8:30 AM sculpting class at the Art Students’ League. James allocated the hour between 11:30 and 12:30 to inspirational activities. He glanced at windows of SoHo boutiques; he observed people resting on the benches of Washington Square Park; he skimmed through a couple of art books at his favorite bookstore. James begins every weekday morning with this exact ceremony. He is confident that his morning ritual will help him accomplish a dual purpose: refine his sculpting skills and inspire him to produce. On this particular rainy Tuesday morning however, James fails to accomplish his ambitious goal. He is now sitting in his studio, uninspired. In fact, he is frustrated and ridden with heaviness. His vision is clouded. Now he is blind to the natural beauty of life. He scratches the top of his head to induce activity (or maybe just out of habit) and once again becomes aware of his deeply receding hairline.

He scratches his head one more time, hoping to trigger a search engine in his mind that locates solutions. But instead, a 30 second silent film appears in his mind. The film begins with James’ unexpected resignation from B&H Consulting and his abrupt departure from the home he had created with his wife and thirteen year old daughter. It proceeds with him moving into this studio space in SoHo, a luxury few artists can afford. This brief flashback carries James through the past year, slowing down as it approaches the present. It is now showing the daily training program he has designed as a path towards becoming a master sculptor. It goes up through this last week of progress on his current piece and ends with this morning’s coffee and finally his uninspiring morning stroll.